Employment Law
Employment Law
Our attorneys have a comprehensive understanding of employment-law related issues, such as:
Appellate practice
Appellate courts review the decisions made by trial judges and administrative agencies. We have significant experience representing clients seeking to appeal a decision and we have participated in dozens of appellate cases. -
Employee benefits
If you have been wrongfully denied benefits, such as retirement, disability, or medical, and you have been refused leave provided by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), we can work with you to pursue your entitled compensation. This can be achieved either through litigation or negotiations. -
Harassment & hostile work environment
Harassment in any manner is against the law, and it can be sexual, verbal, or physical in nature. Everybody deserves a safe and secure workplace. If you are the target of unlawful harassment by a coworker or employer, we can help protect you. -
Public employees
Government employers are required to uphold the fundamental constitutional rights of their employees, including the right to be free from whistleblower relations. For government employees who are unjustly terminated, federal law provides a legal remedy for such grievances. -
Retaliation & whistleblowers
State and federal laws extend legal protection to employees who report unlawful activities in good faith, such as safety violations, fraud, government misconduct, etc. Our lawyers can support you in reporting these abuses and in challenging employer retaliations. -
Wrongful termination
As an "employment at will" state, Washington allows employers to fire employees for any reason, except if it is illegal in nature. Wrongful termination can include retaliatory discharge, or refusal to commit an illegal act. -
Disability accommodations
Employers are not allowed to reject a qualified job applicant with a disability. Disabled individuals are also protected from discriminating treatment, and required to receive reasonable accommodations in the workplace. -
Executives & employment agreements
Employees of all ranks can suffer employment-related grievances as well, including executives, professionals, doctors, and even C-level personnel, such as CEOs, COOs, CFOs, etc. Our firm represents employees from all pay scales. -
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Federal and state laws allow employees to take medical leave to care for family members with serious health conditions. Employers who refuse to comply with specific leave laws may be subject to legal action. -
Noncompete agreements
Noncompete agreements are restrictive clauses that prevent an employee from working for a competitor. These agreements can limit your future opportunities and negatively affect your livelihood. Consult a legal professional if you are facing legal issues with your agreements. -
Professional license disputes
Maintaining an active and valid professional license is required for certain jobs. If your license has been revoked or suspended, we can investigate the circumstances surrounding your case and work our hardest to reinstate your license. -
Wage & overtime claims
All employees are entitled to receive minimum wages and overtime pay, including meal and rest breaks. Employees who refuse to pay overtime and violate work breaks may suffer legal consequences. Large groups of employees are also eligible to file class action lawsuits against an employer.
Call our office to request a case evaluation. We can discuss your employment law issue and determine the ideal course of action for your unique situation.